Things to know and do when you choose a bunk bed for your kids

Space constraints tend to leave many parents with more than one child in a quandary when it comes to allocating a dedicated bed for each of them. Of late, a number of parents have started opting for bunk beds owing to the benefits offered by them, including dedicated bed space for each child, more space for movement in small bedrooms and the ability to be separated into individual beds later on. However, there are many pointers one needs to consider when buying bunk beds for kids. Here are some pointers every parent needs to keep in mind for the same.

Consider the material and safety

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Bunk beds are available mostly in wood and metal options. Wooden bunk beds are costlier but safer for kids as metal beds can cause scratches and are hard to repair. Furthermore, you need to consider safety as a primary concern when buying a bunk bed. Check the height of the guard rails on the beds which need to be at least 3-4 inches high even after adding a plush mattress. This will prevent your kids from rolling off the bed while sleeping.

Consider the stability

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Bunk beds are designed for kids. So you can expect your kids to jump and bounce on them or rock and yank them from time to time. Consider giving each bunk bed you look at a shake test to see how much it can withstand daily wear and tear. This will help you choose a bed that doesn’t fall apart within a few years.

Consider the height from the ceiling

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Bunk beds are high raise structures that take up vertical space. In this case, you may have a problem setting up a bunk bed in a room that has a low ceiling. Chances are your kids will bump their heads on the ceiling or get injured by the ceiling lights and fans when sitting or standing on the top bunk. So choose a bed that has plenty of space between the top bunk and the ceiling (the minimal permissible limit is 3 feet between the ceiling and mattress in the top bunk).

Consider space between the bunks

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Choose a bunk bed that has ample space between the bunks as well. This way, as your first kid outgrows the top bunk, you can ask him/her to move to the bottom bunk while reserving the top bunk for the next in line. Having space between the bunks will also allow parents to sit with their kids without stooping or hunching over.

Consider space between the rungs of the ladder as well as the alignment

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Some bunk beds come with ladders that look like slanting steps a kid can easily climb to reach the top bunk. Others come with rails attached to the side of the bed. If you choose the latter, ensure that there are at least 4-5 rungs on the ladder that leads to the top bunk. Also ensure that the bottom rung is not too far off the floor. This will ensure that your kids get up and down the top bunk easily without any injuries.

Consider beds that can be separated later

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Wooden bunk beds come with the option of being separated into individual twin beds later on (this is not possible with metal beds). If you feel your kids may outgrow the bunk beds and start demanding their own beds after a certain point of time (possibly when they move into their own rooms), choose a bunk bed that can be split up and arranged as regular twin beds.

There are a number of important pointers to consider when choosing to buy a bunk bed for your kids. These pointers are some of the essential things on the checklist which needs to be cleared in order for you to zero in on the best bunk bed for your kids.

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