A homeowner’s guide to pest proofing your home



I just love it when the season change, when the warmth of the day begins to give way to a slightly cooler feel in the air. There are plenty of lovely things that come about when it’s autumn and wintertime but sadly, there are a couple of not-so-nice things that come about because it’s winter. The worst of these is definitely the influx of pests and rodents that want to find a nice warm place to spend the winter, and they’ll often choose a home that’s vulnerable to attacks! There are ways to pest-proof your home though, and I want to cover some of these here so that you find it easier to protect one of your most valuable assets. If you’re worried about pest infestation, be sure to get a professional clean from a reputable company; whether you need pest control on the Gold Coast or pest control in Shepparton, your needs will be met by a professional cleaner.


Set out some traps

It doesn’t take a whole lot of effort for you to set out some sticky traps or to set out some traditional rat traps, and the peace of mind you’ll get knowing that this first line of defense is in place will help a lot. Make sure that the sticky traps are set up for creepy crawlies, and you’ll effectively protect your home against spiders, stink bugs, cockroaches and anything else that crawls, really.


Clean things up

Make sure that you don’t make your home an attractive option for any potential visitors by making sure that your home is clean and tidy. You only need to take about fifteen minutes a day to wipe everything down, and if you use something like vinegar to wipe things down you’ll get rid of the odor trail left by foraging critters, like ants, thus discouraging them from repeat visits. Make sure that the floors are swept, the dishes are washed and that any spills are mopped up as soon as they happen. Plus, take out the rubbish when it’s full and don’t let it overflow. Make sure that your pantry doesn’t have easy access to anything and that anything that’s tasty to insects is jarred up in sealed containers. Insects are going to want to find an easy source of food – so make sure that it’s nothing in your pantry!


Seal up entry points

This might take a little bit of hunting around, but insects and rodents are going to want to find an easy access point to your home – so scout around with a bit of sealant and make sure the spots are nice and secure. Pay a lot of attention to windows and door frames, and the seals around vents. Cover up larger holes with steel wool or mesh and gauze.


Get a door sweep

You can block the gap at the bottom of your door with a door sweep, and this will also stop heat from escaping your home. Double bonus!



Although you can do a lot of good work by sealing up holes, you won’t be able to stop every single hole up. That’s where a good vacuuming can help you as it will clear up pests that might be on the floor, and will suck up eggs or potential new critters.


Clear The Clutter

Make sure your home is clutter free as can be, as this will effectively remove potential insect and pest hiding spots and make your home easier to clean.


I hope these short tips on how to make your home pest-proof have helped you out, and that you manage to find the best way to keep your home clean and safe for the year!


Article Submitted By Community Writer


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