Atem breathable window based air purifier brings fresh air to your home

In this age of rapid urbanization, cities are growing not
only horizontally but also vertically. Unfortunately for humanity, trees haven’t
kept up with humans; love of heights and have thus not evolved to match the
hundreds of feet of height that an average skyscrapers today boasts of. 

Earth lovers,
and anyone who liked what oxygen did for them, tried to combat this lack of
fresh air on the higher storeys of high rises by planting terrace gardens and
balcony based vertical and even indoor gardens. While these methods work
wonders at making apartments in higher storeys look pretty, they are unfortunately
not enough at keeping the dust and pollution in the city air at bay.

And that is where air purifiers come in handy, they really
do. But these too require a lot of electricity to function and anyone that doesn’t
want to breathe in chemically purified air would find them horrible to use. 

designer Małgorzata Blachnicka has come with a new way to ensure that you never
have to rely on electronic devices to clean the air in your home. In fact, the
innovation this particular designer came up with can actually be fitted in the

Dubbed Atem, Blachnicka’s air purification system comprises
of breathable window panel that actively prevents polluted air from coming into
your home and even allows the air that does come through to be as clean and pure
and fresh as possible. 

Featuring a number of membrane panels, the Atem keeps a
close eye on the quality of the air that passes through it and provides ventilation
and cooling/heating functions too. A semifinalist at the Electrolux Design Lab 2011,
the Atem system can be controlled through an app as well as through a control

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