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Decorating with bottles made easy with these brilliant ideas

An average home throws away at least 3-4 glass bottles every
month. The number is significantly higher for wine drinkers. However, the latest
trend in home decorating favors upcycling and using your old bottles is a great
way to minimize your trash while

Unique industrial furnishings from Studio Job

It was in 2006 that Studio Job presented five powerful and unique pieces of furnishings as part of its Robber Baron series during the Miami Design. Cast in bronze, these five pieces combine stylized elements from world-famous landmarks which represent ind

Fairytale themed bedroom design ideas for boys and girls

Grade schoolers can’t get enough of fairytales. They love
being read the same fairytale story every night for months on end and they also
love to surround themselves with fairytale toys and stickers. Creating a
fairytale themed bedroom can indeed bring

Space-saving modular bathroom tower folds up when not in use

Modular bathrooms are not a new concept. They have been around for ages and have evolved in every form and shape that one could have wanted. However, there aren’t many designs that cater exclusively to very small bathrooms and smaller apartments that co

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