Employing curtains to achieve a chic look for your bedroom

Simple things can introduce a magnificent change into the décor of your bedroom. If you feel bored with your bedroom décor and want to give it an inexpensive makeover then consider getting bed curtains or a canopy. This way you can add more colors to your bedroom and keep it from looking bland.

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It is quite easy to add a canopy to match the overall decoration to your existing bed. Even homeowners with zero DIY skills can make it possible with a little bit of inspiration. In the following, some brilliant ideas for decorating your room with bed curtains have been discussed.

Pick a color you love

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We all dream endlessly about living in our dream home and yet when the time comes to decorate the dream home give more importance to pragmatism than personal desires. If you love a color, then including it in your home décor is a must. Wine red, turquoise or jade green, whichever may be the uncommon color of your dreams you can use it in decorating the home.

You should keep the general color palette of your bedroom neutral ranging from white to beige and buy bed curtains in your favorite shades. Create contrast with curtains in the predominant neutral shade for making the bedroom more striking. Use the same color for accentuating every room of your house for achieving a well harmonized look.

Paint a canopy

 Modern Bedroom in Light Tones

Installing a canopy over the bed can be expensive and difficult. If you really want to keep things simple then use optical illusion in your favor. Depending on the color of your bedroom, choose a light or dark contrasting color. Pain the wall behind the bed and the ceiling above in this color for giving the illusion of a canopy.

Use L-shaped curtain rod for hanging the bed curtain. The only problem with cost effective L-shaped curtains is that they do not let the curtains go all around the bed. But, the effect it offers is pleasing nonetheless.

Privacy for the kids

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Do your kids keep nagging about lack of privacy indoors? You can easily fulfill their wish for privacy with the help of bed curtains, especially if there is a bunk bed in their bedroom. Use L shaped curtain hanger and get a printed bed curtain in vibrant prints and colors as solids are too boring for kids. This way when they want to read, play or just hide from the world they will be able to draw the curtains and avail privacy.

Focus on the header

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If you find hanging curtain rods on the ceiling around the bed a bit too much hectic then concentrate only on the header area. You can get a U-shaped small curtain hanger and fix it on the ceiling above the head of the bed. Use curtains in smooth or textured fabric according to your desire for giving your bedroom a touch of regality. For a more dramatic look, drape curtains made with heavier fabric like velvet or satin along the wall of the head of your bed.

Go all out

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Another way of adding bed curtains to your home décor is buying a four-poster bed with tall ceiling. Use Moroccan style of curtains to decorate this kind of bed and accentuate the look with different types of accessories. If budget permits, you can engrave the ceiling with intricate and beautiful designs. Homeowners who are worried about overstepping their budget need not buy expensive four-poster beds. Instead, they can buy easily available net canopies for hanging on top of the bed.


Bed curtains can enhance the attractiveness of your bedroom and make it appear more sophisticated and peaceful. You can create bold or soft look by using different colors and textures.

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