Frankfurter Brett: Kitchen workbench for limited counter space

Do you dream of a perfect kitchen counter space every time you spill something due to lack of space?  If your kitchen is missing a sufficient storage space for cutting board and all your containers, then Frankfurter Brett workbench is just for you. 

German designers Johannes Schreiter and Joseph Schreiter have created this handy kitchen workstation that can directly attach onto any available kitchen countertop. Not just a cutting board, it also serves as additional storage option in your kitchen.


The design of this multi-purpose kitchen workbench is made out of light bamboo, and this wooden portion serves as a chopping board. Plus, durable and extensible brackets are fixed onto three sides of the cutting board for attaching extra plastic containers for storage.

Reinventing cutting board, the additional containers give you freedom to easily shift chopped food items off the board into these transparent storage boxes. The transparent body of the containers will help the user to identify which ingredient is present inside a particular box.

Idea behind its creation

Frankfurter Brett Kitchen workbench (2)

Designer brothers Johannes Schreiter and Joseph Schreiter have worked for nearly three years to create a perfect solution for crowded kitchen space. As a result they came up with this handy, versatile and contemporary kitchen workstation, which keeps your kitchen neat and clean. Moreover, patented bracket system ensures smooth workflow by supporting containers that slide in and out as per your current needs. Therefore, the system efficiently organizes your preparation and cooking tasks in kitchen every day.


Frankfurter Brett is available in three sizes: Mono, Mini and Phoenix. From small to large, all three models are flexible and adaptive. The small brackets can divide the broad ones into smaller segments, forming a well-arranged layout for simpler and organized working. This way you can also insert two different sizes of containers onto the extensible.Hence, the wooden workbench can help to provide additional storage for preparing ingredients, collecting food scraps and storing kitchen tools.


This double-duty workbench is easy-to-use device and suitable for both indoors and outdoors.We’ve thoroughly mentioned how it can be used as a perfect indoor kitchen accessory. But you can also take it along with you to any outdoor location for making cooking easier, while enjoying picnics or barbecues.

The portable kitchen workbench is both functional and durable for daily use. It can help you to design more functional workspace within small kitchens or limited space countertops.

Source : Indiegogo.Com

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