Home Security: Magic Message Mirror keeps you safe and amused

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Features: Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose home is securest of all? Is this the question that is constantly bothering you in this day and age when even the Pentagon is under threat? If so then you’ll certainly be charmed by the Magic Message Mirror home security system. Borrowing more than a leaf from Snow White, this mirror is actually a hiding place for a 30-inch LCD display. The M30P Magic Mirror system is resting place for an amusing CGI character called Basil. As soon as something happens in the vicinity of your dwelling, Basil magically appears and alerts you with amusing one liners – 100 different ones, each suited to the occasion. The Magic Message Mirror itself requires a pre-installed security system, which it then monitors. Whenever Basil talks about a surveillance cam, it displays the same as well.

What’s Working: The whole idea seems rather out of the ordinary and amusingly so. Also if you do not dig Basil (“a somewhat pompous English Butler personality”) then you may get a personalized custom character from Themeaddicts Inc. for some extra dough.

Pricing and Availability: Head to the manufacturers site to hunt for prices and other details. Chances are, it ain’t comin cheap.

P.S. When Basil says, “Will someone please greet our guests at the door,” you better do so pronto.

Via: Ohgizmo

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