How not to get overwhelmed by household work?


Current scenario

In this busy modern age, people do not have sufficient time to leisurely complete household chores. Gone are the times when women were ready to serve without speaking up for themselves. Household chores have now become an individual responsibility. Thus people often get overwhelmed by it.


At the same time, people have become lazier and labor saving. Yet household chores are still possible both efficiently and timely. One of the foremost requirements for this to happen is the old idea of division of labor. This division can be across age groups in the family, it might depend upon the number of hours spent on household chores, or it could be an optimal combination of both.

Preparedness and approaches

Another vital prerequisite for managing household chores without being overwhelmed is by doing pro-chores psychological setup. This can be achieved by using several techniques like the snowball method or the kitchen sink method where the practitioner begins with small chores, and is slowly able to perform more complicated and time-consuming chores. The smaller volume of work load at the initial level gives the practitioner a sense of achievement, and thus keeps him motivated. In the longer run this proves to be a very effective method.

Make children a part

Children should be made a part of the household chores completion agenda. They should be rewarded accordingly with money or appreciation. It is noteworthy that recognizing the contribution of helpers keeps them involved in household work.

At times just not worrying much about cleaning the mess could be the trick. Cleanliness, according to this idea, is more about our mind, it depends upon how we conceive the cleanliness of our surroundings. Just separating one item from the other could also make us feel clean at times.

Taking the big task upfront

Another method to manage our household chores could be taking up short span timed challenges and looking to accomplish the most difficult tasks like laundry (for most people). Once we are done with the beginning of such a work, and a part of it is accomplished, the fear of facing that task which is clearly more of a psychological hurdle is done away with. Studies show that once begun, people tend not to stop until the whole task is completed.

Tools and execution


Improvements in the tools and implements of cleaning, and looking at what suits the job doer, are also a significant steps in getting the task done effectively and timely enough. It appears that most of us spend a lot of time deciding where to begin our work, and it is here that we fail to realize that we are being trapped in the planning part rather than the execution part.

Proper management of personal possessions

Basically, a sense that all is in its right place gives us a sense of cleanliness. It is here that the sweep in method can play an important part. We can put things, one at a time, in the basket, and get rid prevent our house from getting that stuffy atmosphere. At times it is also very important to let old things like clothes, toys etc go out of the house. You can give them to the needy, exchange them for other useful commodities, sell them, or even thrown them away. This gives us optimal space, and at the same time opens us up to possibilities of newer objects more suited to our current needs. Conservation is a good habit, but only when practiced sensibly and on the basis of need. Avoiding needless piling is a pre-requisite to a clean house.

Time management for chores management


Another vital part of household chores management is time management. Chores should be divided intermittently across the hours. There should be ample gap between the chores so that they do not get monotonous and we are able to carry on other responsibilities of life. In homes with smaller children, the time for household chores could be synched with their afternoon naps or lunch and dinner times, when they do not need absolute parental attention, as it will make the task easier.

Life before chores

It may not be a bad idea to prepare weekly or monthly lists in advance and crossing out the completed tasks, and instilling a sense of achievement. The old notion of spending the weekend completing chores is outdated. What we should aim at is a work-life –leisure balance thus attaining peace.

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