Liquid Sunshine light therapy system: Recuperate your well-being


In the present high-tech era, one can expect incredible solutions to many problems. Statistics show that 22 percent of the population in some northern latitudes is suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is a seasonal onset of depression directly related to the dwindling amount of sunshine during the winter months. The Liquid Sunshine light therapy system by Henneyj is a smart device designed specifically for the treatment of SAD and other related conditions. It’s a smart solution for people facing lethargy, fatigue, weight gain and other problems!

The system features specific frequencies of blue wavelength LEDs proven to be more effective than traditional fluorescent light that shortens the time of treatment from 30-60 minutes to 10-15 minutes, which is quite reasonable, right? Moreover, it provides a warming, calming environment in which the user is bathed in a deluge of light and water. The multi-sensory experience you get with it is very therapeutic and helps people regain their own feelings of health and well-being every morning. The remarkable feature is that it uses water pressure to generate enough electricity to light the LEDs, which means you don’t have to worry about rising electricity bills.

Via: LED-Emotionalize

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