Natural and very useful antibiotics from your kitchen cabinet

People usually rush to the doctor or chemist even when suffer from minor ailments like cold, and body aches and fever to get antibiotics. Given the fact that allopathic medicines have various side effects on our body, we should stay away from them unless it becomes necessary. However, if we search our kitchen shelves closely, we can easily fling many natural antibiotics to cure such minor disorder. Here we have listed some effective home remedies and antibiotics that can help you recover from small, common ailments.


hand slicing garlic

Garlic is a natural antibiotic that has been used for years to cure several diseases. Commonly found in every kitchen, it can be a magical remedy for colds, fever, and sore throat. Garlic is one of the best herbs that we use in food and tea for its remedial effects and treat various health conditions. There are no side effects of garlic and we can use it regularly to stay healthy and fit. The anti-bacterial and antifungal property of garlic makes it a great medicine to treat various common problems.



Ginger has been an integral part of food for long in different parts of the world. Apart from its remedial properties, ginger also add flavor to the food. Known for its medicinal properties, ginger is beneficial to treat respiration tract infections and can even help cure colon cancer. The rejuvenating property of ginger can be useful to kill the harmful bacterial infections that can lead to severe health problems. You can prepare and enjoy a refreshing drink by mixing ginger with honey.

Honey and lemon


Honey and lemon can be a great natural ingredient that can help you to lose weight. Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C and is an accepted remedy for common cold and fever. Regular consumption of lemon can help you to increase your immunity. Lemon is a natural remedy to remove tan. Combining lemon and honey can help you to improve immunity and digestion.

Green tea


If you are very conscious about your health and beauty, then green tea is a perfect beverage for you. Having green tea regularly in the morning when your stomach is empty can help you to remove impurities from the body. This natural rejuvenation therapy not only enhances the beauty of your skin but also boosts your immunity. Anti-oxidants present in the green tea help to reduce the signs of early ageing. Adding a spoon of honey to green tea will enhance its medicinal properties.


minor burns

Potato is a common vegetable that you can find in every home. One of the starchiest vegetables with medicinal properties, potato can be helpful in treating minor burns. You can apply raw potato on the affected area to reduce the inflammation and irritation. This is a proven first aid or remedy for even the most severe burns.

Oregano oil


Considered one of the best medicines for yeast infection, Oregano oil is another ingredient that is easily available in every kitchen. This can serve you in multiple ways, as Oregano oil is good for digestive system and helps in weight loss. Apart from enhancing the taste of the food, Oregano oil also help fight infection that can lead to several diseases.

Rose water

Rose water

Rose water is another natural ingredient with antibiotics properties that can help you in multiple ways. You can wash your wounds and minor cuts with rose water. This can reduce the irritation and can kill harmful germs that can cause infection. Rosewater keeps your skin beautiful and soft.

We can get multiple herbs, such as garlic, ginger, rosewater, oregano oil, potato and more, in our kitchen that work like antibiotics and can help us treat several common ailments.

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