Robot cleaner cum alarm clock by Jeongmi Lee

Robot Cleaner

Seoul based designer, Jeongmi Lee has a keen interest in designing home utility items but Lee is a person who likes to work on unusual lines and hence this time she has designed a conceptual domestic robot. The robot is meant for cleaning your home and can best be described as a cleaner robot.

Lee has recently opened her design studio in Seoul and has named it ‘dtalkers design studio’. She has created this robot cleaner as a self-initiated project. Lee worked on the concept of Robot cleaner because she wanted to explore new possibilities in the realm of home appliances and wanted to create a new relationship between the user and the appliances.

The robot cleaner does one more function very efficiently and that is of waking you up in the morning. Though no sounds are emitted by the robot, it can wake you up without fail because it tugs with your blanket and takes it away from you altogether, forcing you to wake up. It is better to wake up without any shrill noises in the morning.

The best part about this robot is that it will clean your house and then it will excrete the used tissue filters and will place them in a box meant for disposal. You just do not need to bother about changing its tissue filters. Besides, it moves around like a small puppy moving and has the cutest facial expressions.

Via: Dezeen

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