Sleek and sexy Proton eco-friendly AC concept

proton2 MR5cl 1333

Gone are the days when ‘bigger is better’ was the mantra that defined an electronic equipment’s success. These days it’s all about slimming down and streamlined gadgets rule the roost. And the wall-mounted Proton AC unit draws straight from that new-age philosophy. Created by designer Michael Laut, the air-conditioning concept not only boasts of a super-silent function by inducing air through ionization, but also claims to be rather environmentally friendly as well by letting consumers use the water created by the condensation in the AC’s compressor for watering plants and stuff.

What’s even better is that body of the unit is crafted in Polylactic acid, a corn based eco-friendly plastic which also doubles its green value and its stylish exteriors makes you want to adopt it ASAP!

proton n96pK 1333

proton3 VVESD 1333

proton4 GtMhM 1333

proton5 PcOXV 1333

Source: Yanko Design

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