Understanding the difference between Triple and Double Glazing


The windows of a house play a vital role in various ways. Aside from acting as a barrier to temperature fluctuation, they provide the much-needed aesthetic value to overall appeal of your home. Instead of single glassed windows, you do have two other options.  The first option is a double glazed window that consists of two glass panels under one frame. The second is the triple glazed window, which consists of three glass panels under the same frame. Although both these options are good, but in comparison to the cost of double-glazing, triple glazed windows are bit more expensive and offer a better sense of security and energy savings.

Helps you to achieve noise reduction


Living in crowded areas like the main road, a market or even near a railway track or factory, you are bound to have a lot of noise pollution, which can be very disturbing as well as irritating. Apart from that, people may also develop various kinds of hearing problems, such as ear damage caused due to constant sounds. Let us see how the two types of windows may be helpful in this case.

The noise level outside your home can still be a little high when you have a double glazed window.  This can be disturbing especially at nights when you are trying to sleep. Despite reducing noise level to come extent, double glazed windows cannot cut that off completely

To prevent the noise from coming indoors especially when you are sleeping, you can install triple glazed windows. These are three glass panels placed in the windows or balcony doors that can help reduce the noise levels and hence, allow you to have a good nights’ rest.

Insulation benefits and energy bill saving between the two


The winters are getting colder every year and so, in some countries, the temperatures are low. Living in such countries requires people to have proper heating solutions and insulation in the house. To ensure that the hot air sustains within the house, we take the trouble to insulate it properly but our efforts may go down the drain due to the choice of windows that we install.

In the case of double glazed windows, they do offer better benefits than the single ones. Although you do have the heater running, you may have to keep on changing the temperatures to make it comfortable for you and your family. This may result in hefty energy bills but it will not be as high as in homes having single glazed windows.

Having a triple glazed window proves to be helpful since it helps maintain the temperature of the house easily. The insulation properties offered by triple glazed windows are so good that even the warmth retains inside. This in turn helps you save energy bills since you do not have to keep on increasing the temperatures to stay warm.

How both options address security concerns


For people living in apartments, there is a little additional security benefit in comparison to those living in houses. The chances of a break in through the windows are not as much as for people living on the ground levels. Having a double glazed window can be a good option, but when it comes to the security of those living on the ground level, a triple glazed window is your best take. This is because these windows are not easy to break, along with that, for extra security, you also have locking systems at multiple points. This is why it is advisable to install triple glazed windows instead of the double ones.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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